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APIs or templates–which is the better option for getting product data from your PIM tool to your sales channels? This article has all the answers.
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Read about the latest product information management (PIM) updates. We cover everything from content management to analytics, ecommerce, marketing, ...
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Product Information Management | Read about the latest product information management (PIM) updates. We cover everything from content management to ...
Read about the latest product information management (PIM) updates. We cover everything from content management to analytics, ecommerce, marketing, ...
Mar 1, 2024 · The simpler your product data distribution process, the better–but what actually is the simplest method? Our latest blog post gets into ...
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This includes everything from basic product details like names and descriptions to more complex data like technical specifications, SEO content, and digital ...
Rating (283)
Multichannel commerce is great for scaling but how do you manage it at first? Here is a guide to product feeds and file formats for different channels.
Rating (283)
Customize your product feeds for multichannel distribution. Find out how to manage and create unlimited feeds for different sales channels using Plytix PIM.
Rating (283)
Worried the honeymoon might be over for your product data and spreadsheets? Here are 7 red flags to look out for that might spell the beginning of the end.
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What is an Ecommerce PIM? · How To Decide Between APIs and Templates for Product Data Distribution · The Essentials of Product Feed Management Software and PIM.
Get your product content where you need it to be. Digital assets and product information. Start Your Free Demo & See How...