Do you think it's possible to live life without plastic? Wondering how to do it or at least get started? You've come to the right place.
People also ask
How to go 100% plastic free?

100 Steps to a Plastic-Free Life

Carry reusable shopping bags. ...
Give up bottled water. ...
Carry your own containers for take-out food and leftovers. ...
Carry a stainless steel travel mug or water bottle at all times for coffee and other drinks while out in the world. ...
Carry reusable utensils and glass drinking straws.
How do I get plastic out of my life?

The First 10 Steps Anyone Can Take Towards Living a Plastic-Free Life

Use reusable bags whenever you go shopping. ...
Identify which products you buy containing plastic. ...
Choose the three easiest products to replace. ...
Write down why you're making the change to a plastic-free life. ...
Start using a reusable coffee cup. ...
Use bar soap.
Is it possible to go plastic free?
Refuse single use plastics such as plastic straws and other disposable plastics (cutlery, plates, and cups). Buy clothes made from natural fibres such as cotton, linen, and wool. Make a shift to slower more simple living. Make a regular trip to the barbers is a novel and social way to live plastic free.
How to reduce plastic bottles at home?

Whether you're shopping secondhand or cooking at home more, these small acts add up big time!

Choose Eco-Friendly Refill Packs. ...
Keep Household Cleaners in Glass Bottles. ...
Reduce Plastic Bottles by Buying Reusable Ones. ...
Bring Your Own Bag During Grocery Runs. ...
Stop Using Plastic Straws. ...
Pack Lunches with Reusable Containers.
Plastic-Free: How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and How You Can Too is your illustrated, practical guide to living with less plastic, updated with new chapter and ...
THE RULES: 1.) Collect all of your own plastic waste, both recyclable and non, for a minimum of one week. If you want to go for more than one week, great! Just ...
My name is Beth Terry, and I live in Oakland, CA. In June of 2007, while recovering from surgery, I read the article and saw the photo that changed my life.
4: Keep plastic bags and plastic wrap out of your recycling. Just because ... Click here or type into your ...
Here are some questions to discuss with your friends or book group. Choose as few or as many as appropriate. Or come up with your own questions.
Is this a solution for die-hard shower gel fans who aren't ready to give up the plastic bottle? Here's my review... ... Living Life with Less Plastic since 2007.
You can help support my mission to bring you free information about plastic-free living. If you make a purchase via a product link on this site, My Plastic-Free ...
The blog formerly known as Fake Plastic Fish. You can help support my mission to bring you free information about plastic-free living. If you make a purchase ...