oz 25 from books.google.com
... 25 Hippurate Glycocholate ( oz..50 - .52 ) b . Hydroxide ( See Soda Caustic ) 6.25 6.45 Starch , Iodized ( oz..32 - .34 ) Ib . 2.60 2.70 OZ . Soluble Ib . 1.05 1.15 Star Grass Root Ib . .90 .95 Hypophosphite lb. 1.05 1.15 Powdered Ib ...
oz 25 from books.google.com
... OZ 95 Iron - Continued . Ichthalbin ( Merck ) , 1 - oz cart , incl..oz 90 Tartrate and Ammonia , 1 - oz vials ... 25 Valerate , 1 - oz vials . incl . ( Merck or M. C. W ) .OZ 21 1 - oz , incl . India Rubber , Crude Para . Indian Hemp ...
oz 25 from books.google.com
... 25 , 2.00 . .50 4.00 Salito ( B 260 ) , .50 , 4.00 . 1.00 Salkocyl ( U 21 ) .. 8.00 .50 Sal - Laxick ( R 150 ) , 4 oz . bot .. Sal Laxa ( S 9 ) . .25 , 2.00 ; .50 , 4.00 .... 1.00 4.00 8.00 3.15 Soda , Phosphate . SALTS - Continued ...
oz 25 from books.google.com
.lb 1 50 ..oz 10 00 ..doz 1 25 ... tb 2 00 Ib 1 25 Cantharidal , 1 - oz v.doz 2 00 To protect the trade against adulteration and Flexible , 1 - oz vials.doz 1 25 Corrosive Sublimate D 1 40 Powd .lb 1 50 Chemically pure cryst.lb 1 25 15 ...
oz 25 from books.google.com
... oz . 174 33 lbs . 13 oz . 80 3 lbs . 8 oz . 25 hills . 44 64 66 66 254 37 5 174 33 13 80 3 8 25 25 middle thirds , weight 214 lbs . Number of eyes , 84 .. 295 335.1 47 .. 41 lbs . 14 oz . 9 200 227.2 36 lbs . 14 oz . 95 5 lbs . 22 hills ...
oz 25 from books.google.com
... 25 ..lb . .50 - .55 Mercury , Bromide Cyanide ...... Oz . .60 ..lb . 5.25 .lb . .75 - .85 Chloride , Mild ( cal'l ) .... lb . 1.40 - 1.55 1.10 Iodide , green , Protf . .lb . 4.25 4.45 .......... oz . .35 .38 Red . ( Pre . ) Biniodide ...
oz 25 from books.google.com
... 25 stem end thirds , weight 14 lbs . Number of eyes , 11.3 ... 25 middle thirds , weight 24 lbs . Number of eyes ... oz ... Number of eyes , 82 .. 25 eighths , weight 14 oz ... Number of eyes , 67 . 27 single eye pieces , weight 5 oz ...
oz 25 from books.google.com
... oz . , $ 10.00 ; 4 oz . , $ 2.50 ; % oz . , $ 1.50 ; Trade Pkt .. 50c . Vaughan's Giant Mixture . Oz . , $ 4.00 ; 4 oz .. $ 1.00 ; 1 oz . , 60c ; Trade Pkt .. 25c . Send for list of separate varieties . PETUNIAS . Trade pkt . $ 0.25 .25 .10 ...
oz 25 from books.google.com
... oz ... .20 .25 Citronella , lb ... Clove , lb .... .65 .65 .75 .75 Rhodium , oz .30 .60 Cocoanut , lb ... .18 .22 Rose , Kissanlik , oz ....... 9.00 9.50 Rosemary , Eperle , lb ..... 1.35 1.50 Root , Dandelion , Ib ........ .17 ...
oz 25 from books.google.com
... Oz . 2.90 Colchicum .Ib . .50 - .55 .lb . 3.25-3.30 Hydrob . .... 02 . Ground Powd . ..lb . 3.30-3.35 .b . 3.35-3.40 ... 25 - .30 Strings ..doz . Strips .... lb . .16 Larkspur Washed ..lb . Lobelia ..lb . Millett ..Ib . .75 .60 - .65 .78 .13 ...