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Mar 25, 2022 · AM = ante meridiem, before noon. PM = post meridiem, after noon. It makes no sense to say midday (meridies in Latin) is before noon or after ...
People also ask
Why is 12 am before 11 am?
Answer: 12PM (noon) and 12AM (midnight) come after 11AM” and 11PM respectively to maintain a continuous 12-hour clock cycle. This system is based on the Latin terms “Ante Meridiem” (before midday) and “Post Meridiem” (after midday).
What does 12:00 am mean?
When most people say 12pm, typically they're talking about the middle of the day: 12 noon. When they say 12am, they normally mean 12 midnight.
Does a new day start at midnight or 12:01?
As the dividing point between one day and another, midnight defies easy classification as either part of the preceding day or of the following day. Though there is no global unanimity on the issue, most often midnight is considered the start of a new day and is associated with the hour 00:00.
What is the meaning of AM and PM?
They are the Latin words used to refer to time. The meaning of AM and PM is 'Ante Meridiem' and 'Post Meridiem', which means before noon or midday. We associate P.M. with the afternoon and evening. P.M. is an abbreviated term for 'Post Meridiem,' which implies afternoon or after midday.
The 12 hour cycle is fine. The problem is that it starts at 12 and then rolls over to 1, rather than starting at zero. You can have a duodecimal system without ...