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3 days ago · The Bible is a collection of books that varies in number depending on the religious tradition. Here are the counts for some of the major branches:.
6 days ago · Yes, you're absolutely correct. I have absolutely zero evidence and I've checked multiple times. Perhaps you could provide some?
3 days ago · If they are replacing you, don't take it personally. Do not change yourself to try and be like the new friend. Embrace yourself and your personality and find ...
7 days ago · North Korean Citizens who are loyal to the Kim-family (Kim Jong Un) and has some wealth in the country. Pyongyang is the biggest city in North Korea. They call ...
6 days ago · Trump's facing up to 20 years in prison. In the past, that would be more than enough to derail any presidential campaign, yet Trump is still the Republican ...
6 days ago · In the European Union it is law that employers must give their employees at least 20 days paid annual leave. Is it true that there is no legal requirement ...
2 days ago · Does "zero million" mean a value of 0 or 999,999 and under? People simply don't use the expression but "zero million to the nearest million" would be any number ...
9 hours ago · A common misconception is a viewpoint or factoid that is often accepted as true but which is actually false. They generally arise from conventional wisdom (such ...
6 days ago · Every mass shooting incident ends with somebody calling someone with a gun to go over and “help disarm the threat”. How about we call that person Before it ...
2 days ago · ... 12 6 + 4 ω + 3 ω 2 12 as a common root ? First ... called a homogeneous Poisson process. The Poisson ... It is an irrational number that is just slightly larger ...