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This is an online scale length converter that calculates the actual length and the scale length according to the scale ratio, scale ratio could be set by ...
People also ask
How to convert 1/20 scale to full size?
The scale he has used is 1:20, which means that everything is 20 times bigger in real life than on his diagram. You know the drawing measurement (30 cm) so you need to multiply by 20 to find the actual length of the room: 30 cm × 20 = 600 cm.
How to convert actual size to scale size?
The scale factor is commonly expressed as 1:n or 1/n, where n is the factor. For example, if the scale factor is 1:8 and the real measurement is 32, divide 32 ÷ 8 = 4 to convert. To convert a smaller, scaled measurement up to the actual measurement, simply multiply the scaled measurement by the scale factor.
What is the scale 1 to 100?
The 1:100 scale means that 1 unit on the model represents 100 units in real life. For example, a room that is 1 inch on a 1:100 scale model would be 100 inches, or 8.3 feet, in real life.
How to convert scale 1/50 to 1/100?
To convert between ratio scales, you need to multiply or divide both sides of the ratio by the same number. For example, to convert 1:100 to 1:50, you need to multiply both sides by 2. To convert 1:50 to 1:100, you need to divide both sides by 2.