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A$290.00 In stock
Macerator is used for pumping from holding tank of suspended solids. Electrical: 12 volts, max 14 amps. Pump performance: 23 lpm @ 5.5 meters head drawing ...
People also ask
Do RV macerator pumps work?
It's true, handling and dumping waste from your RV can be a smelly, messy job, especially when using the standing 3″ sewer hose or “stinky slinky.” A macerator can alleviate some of those concerns. Because of the smaller diameter hose, there is less smell permeating the air around your RV as waste is disposed of.
What is a macerator pump for?
They are used in the home for basement bathrooms. They make solid waste liquid, so it's easier to pump the waste from below the ground into an existing sewage pipe or outlet. For bathrooms installed in a basement or cellar, this can be an affordable and easy solution to get waste out from under the ground.